I have fitted a pedal box with a balance bar adjuster to the Elan I am building for racing. However the clutch peddle now clashes with the steering column clamp when the steering wheel is turned. Has anyone used a different clamp with a smaller overall radius than the Triumph Herald one fitted as standard.
welllll you may have to heat and bend the offending pedal to clear the column --or remove the cluster and re space the top shaft for the pedal placement --ed
Don’t change gear and turn corners at the same time. 
Depends upon how much room you need. You could probably gain a little by going to a two piece shaft clamp like those seen here: bostongear.com/products/shaft/sclamp.html
I had the same problem. I cut off a couple of inches from the bottom of the outer (fixed) column housing and drilled a couple of new holes in it so I could re-mount the lower bushing. Then I took the upper steering column and ground a new cutaway (that the impact clamp mounts on) so I could mount the clamp higher and further away from the pedals. I was also able to push the steering wheel forward until the “mushroom” end touched the dash board. Big difference. Way better!
Thanks for all the ideas, I did what Frank suggested, worked a treat. Thought I had finished, went to put the new steering wheel nut on and found the thread is deformed and no amount of carefull filling would get the nut to fit. So either get a new outer column or I might put a quick release steering wheel boss on if they fit within the column casing.
oh dear ----thats what is on my car —I should have seen that right away ---- write it off to old age —I put a quick release on both my 7 and vee -----use the splined one ----the 6 point on the vee racks in about 6 uses ----the splined one on the 7 is still tight after 2 years --looking to get one the europa to aid egress–ed
Same thing happened to me. I think it was from pounding on the column while attempting to push the lower bushing out. I took it to a machine shop where for a modest fee, they put it on their automated lathe and re-cut the threads. Good as new.