Steering Column At Angle

The steering column on my Plus2 LHD is tilted toward the center of the car. The right hand part of the steering wheel is closer to the driver than the left hand part. I can’t see anything along the steering column that looks bent or loose. It goes throgh the dash in the right place. Is this normal? If not, what could cause it?

Hello, I don’t know if I’d say normal but it is typical. My ‘69 +2 is also askew. When you say tilted towards center do you mean the shaft comes up at an angle not 90’ from the firewall? Is one side of the steering wheel rim closer to the dashboard than the other? My wheel is not directly in front of me but offset a bit.

Yes, exactly. One side of the rim is about 2 in. closer to the dashboard than the other. The nearest end of the steering column is more or less centered in relation to the driver’s seat. If I wre to try to move the near end of the column to get the wheel straight, it would end up a good inch or so to the right. Is there anything on the forward end that can be adjusted?

Yup they all do that.

Because the pinion on the steering rack is not directly in front of the center of the steering wheel it would take another universal joint to make the wheel perpendicular to the direction of travel. Another universal joint would be more money, and more slop in the steering so it is not here. The Plus 2 may be worse than the Just 2 since the car is wider so the wheel may be even further to the side from the pinion.


OK, thanks then. Just so I’m not driving around with a cockeyed wheel because I’m too dumb to know it needs adjusting. At least nobody claimed it’s that way for driving around the sides of hills, like those sheep in Scotland with short legs on one side. :slight_smile: