

I’m new to the forum and have owned my Elan S4 (1971) since new. Yes, for the past 33 years! :rolleyes:

The car runs just great but for the past few years I’ve experienced problems with hot starting. It does eventually start with an obviously rich mixture (fuel smell). Cold starts no problem. Ignition /valve timing, distributor. coil and connections all ok.

Carbs are Strombergs and original but overhauled around 5 years ago. Seals and diaphram again look good.

Anyone got similar probs and any ideas?




I once had the same problem with my 1966 Sunbeam Alpine with Strombergs and the problem turned out to be that the point gap was set too close.

Frank Howard
'71 S4 SE (Just like yours. I bought mine in 1987 and I probably paid what you did in 1971. US $5,300.00.)
Minneapolis, USA

Greetings, I had that problem with a weber headed S4. I switched from Champion to NGK plugs and it has made an improvement. I’d try pulling your plugs, if any are black or wet (try and “schedule” a starting problem at home with tools) then i could be the plugs, ( or carbs or carb? ? ) or ? Does the car get fully exercised? and how often? Good Luck…

My S4 with Strombergs used to have this problem. Turned out the mixture was a bit too lean. Check the carb balence and mixture, I have mine running about 4% CO.

I had the problem of bad starting with my S4SE stromberged Elan when hot, in fact sometimes it would not start until it had cooled down. I checked all the earth connections first and igtion points etc. If your S4 has the coil in the orginal place, near the bottom hose check that it is not getting too hot. I changed the coil and moved it away from the hose and this solved the problem. I used a lucas high performance coil.

Hello Mike,

Thanks for your thoughts.

I moved the coil sometime back and placed it in an upright postion. Other electrics, earthing etc thoroughly checked and by the book.

Some years back I changed the fuel lines to braided to avoid dangerous leaks. I now suspect that the fuel is vapourising in the lines as the problem started around the time I made the change. So next I will try some form of heat shielding.

Thanks again,


difficult starting when hot .common prob due to fuel evaporation when hot.try adusting cut in switch for the fan so it opperates at a lower temp.what some people do is to bypass otter switch and fit manual so you can opperate the fan if stuck in traffic.some people even fit an electric fuel pump that seems to help.hope some of this is of help mike