Starter Rebuild

Have been accumulating bits to rebuild the starter for my Seven - a Lucas M35G-1. I got lucky and found a NOS armature so don’t have to try cleaning up the old one on my wood lathe.

Would love some advice from those of you who’ve rebuilt these before - both any general advice and tips but also have a few specific questions:

Any recommendations on removing the drive end bushing?

Also need to clean up the body. The coils look just fine, can’t think of a good reason to dismantle further. I assume a bath in kerosene or mineral spirits is the best path and wouldn’t hurt anything inside?

Last, any guidance on removing and replacing the brushes? I plan try to desolder them but not sure how crammed in that tube they are nor how to work the replacements back in.

The bush can be removed by carefully cutting a slot in it with a hacksaw blade. Only problem with this is that it leaves a groove in the end shoulder. The best way is to use a large screw tap to screw into it and pull it out. Back in the day that’s what the auto electricians used to use and I would take just the end plate to them to have it done. Might be a problem finding one to do this now however!

The rivets holding the brush holders can be drilled out and replaced with screws. Alternatively yes you can cut the existing brush lead and solder the new brushes to what remains.

Whatever you do do not use kerosene or mineral spirits to clean up the field coils. Use soap and water or preferably an electrical grade circuit board cleaner spray. With mineral spirits you risk softening the enamel coating on the windings and creating shorts. It may not happen immediately but after a year or two the enamel insulation can break down as a result of this action

Don’t forget to soak the new bushes in engine oil for 24 hours prior to fitment. Or you can squeeze the oil into the bush by capping the ends between thumb and fore finger and squeezing until oil comes out of the pores on the outside.

Please post part numbers, for any items you can source in N America please.
Very unfortunate, in Canada. Parts have long been discontinued.

Thanks 2cams. With patience, I was able to cut the bushing without much of a nick on the end plate itself.

I was overthinking the ground brush connections on the commutater end cap - it was simple to just use a small bit to drill the cable out of the connectors.

Mainly sourced through ebay and smaller known british parts/electrics suppliers. I have a couple lucas parts catalogs I’ve downloaded as general references, though I haven’t yet found one specific to Lucas parts for Lotus. They are pdfs so not sure how to post in a thread, but will see if I can figure out the wiki.

Here is a poor screengrab in case you’re looking for lists for one of these starter motors, from a 1967 Lucas for English Ford catalog. I will work out how to get a clean digital version of my 1965 and 1969 catalogs on the forum or wiki for future reference.