Starter Question

Hi all,

Have anyone expercience with RD Entreprise High performance remplacement starter ?

It 's seems he doesn’t fit to my 1970 S4 fhc without changing the flying ring ?

Thanks for advice


Hi. I’ve fitted a Brise to my +2. It should be similar in operation to the one that you have in that the drive wheel moves out from the motor when the solenoid closes, then the drive starts in earnest. I was advised by the supplier - Matty’s - that the ring gear on the flywheel could be left as original i.e. did not need to be reversed. It seems to work really nicely on my car and others with this starter have been very pleased with it. I would check back with the supplier if you’re worried though - they should have warned you if it needed the ring gear reversing though I would have thought.

All the best.


Hey Melon—I just put one from R&D on my Elan and there was no fitting problem just the bolts from adapter to starter were too short and they stripped causing the Denson starter part to dangle in the air on the wire after making a horrid grinding sound a few times ----check the cap head bolt length and replace them with longer bolts -----mine was correctly oriented may be yours needs to be rotated to the next set of holes —works fine now --but now it sounds like a Dodge starting up -ed

Make sure that the stroke on the starter (pinion extension when the solenoid is energised) is long enough to fully engage the ring gear. I bought an Elan with a Kelvedon starter and when I discovered it stripped the ring gear, I took it off, measured the distance from the mounting surface to the ring gear and from the mounting surface to the end of the pinion plus the stroke and found I was only getting about 2.5 mm engagement. There’s still plenty of tooth on the ring gear but not at the front where the gears were barely meshing! I’m still trying to get the proper mounting plate/spacer to get full engagement. :cry: