squeaky rear brakes

I’ve got a S4/se with horribly squeaky rear brakes. I think the pads are a stock compound. The fronts have vibration plates, but the rears don’t and Dave Bean dosen’t carry them (if they exist?) Has anyone ever made up a set or know where to find some, preferable in the US?

Strange you should mention this. I am having exactly the same problem with my S4. They used to be fine but now they have decided to squeal like a stuck pig. Even after a good coat of coppaslip.

So far I have been unable to track down any anti-squeal shims. However Power Stop Brakes powerstop.co.uk/ have some form of generic anti-squeal backing that they are sending me. I hope it will arrive by the weekend. I will let you know if it works.

Hello Mike, where upnorth?
I just had my squeaky brakes worked on after years of quiet driving. They took the edge off the pads and applied a material that evaporated, maybe it was the coppaslip that Steve mentioned. It did stop the squeal ---- for a while, and now I get just a little peep ever so often. Steve, let us know how it worked out.
But tell me more about vibration plates, I have not heard of them before. What do they look like and how are they installed?
If the squeal returns and continues to get worst the vibration plate may be the solution.

Thanks for the reply,
I’ll be curious to see how your shims work out. I grew up in northern Michigan, hence the upnorthelan name.

Hi Mike, I thought that possibly a Newbe “upnorthelan” to the forum using Dave Bean here in CA. was from Northern CA. and would have liked to introduced you to the other local Elan owners and West coast events. I guess all states have an upnorth part. :smiley:
Steveww’s site said not to use shims on new pads. My pads were glued in and are not new. My shop mentioned the Green pads for the next time I need new ones.


Thanks Sarto,
I wish I lived in northern Califoria! We’ve got a fair amount of curvy roads and a host of tracks here to tide me over in the meantime. My pads are broken in, but have alot of life ahead of them so I’m hoping someone can come up with a shim to save my (and my neighborhoods) ears,

Is it possible the pads have glazed over? If so, take them out and scruff them up with something like 80 grit sandpaper.

Greg Z

Hi guys, re you squeaky rear brakes - its almost certainly not pads or anti squeal shims. In the S3 (don’t know if S4 has the same calipers) its most likely to be the rear dust cover which is located by an external groove in the piston and an internal groove in the caliper. When the piston moves it dislodges the rubber “flange” in the internal groove and pulls it partly out. Then the two pistons are not applying equal pressure - one side hits the disc first. Its this pressure imbalance which causes the squeal.

Take off the dust covers and you’ll see a flattened flange. I have one side of one caliper which periodically behaves like this - but at least I know what it is!


Guys, I am willing to be wrong but I had this problem and it turned out to be poor fitting pads that were a little small (loose in caliper) that moved within the caliper. I fitted new and cured it. I think that there is also an amount of wear (in the calipers, due to age and use) where the pad sits and this does not help. I had squealing and even pad rattle. Drove me nuts.



It could be this, I think I have heard a rattle or two from the rear which could be loose pads. I have tried fitting new pads but no change. The callipers could be shot :frowning: They have only just been rebuilt.