
My car has developed a squeak from the pass side rear. It does it whether the clutch is in or out, and doesn’t seem to be affected by bumps in the road. It gets worse as the car gets hotter, and goes away if the car is driven again after a short break (say 20 mins). Rocking the car whilst stationary doesn’t produce any noises.

I am thinking wheel bearing. Anyone got any other ideas? And if it is the bearing, is it a big job?


My Sprint gets similar squeaks from the rear. Mine is the rear brakes either sticking slightly or rubbing slightly
Very straight forward and quick job to remove the pads and give everything a clean.

sounds to me like the wife was moved from the front seat to the trunk --ed

I have had rear pad rattle and it makes a cyclic squeak, more noticable at 25 to 35 mph. When the brake are pressed lightly they tension up everthing and the noise stops. l believe enlarged brake pin holes (in the caliper) and worn pins cause it and also worn/poor fitting pads (on the metal part). Having fitted new pads and better size pins I still get a liitle bit of it at low speed. When I can start it! :confused:

If in doubt of bearing why not check them for play.


Brakes do tend to squeal whereas bearings are more of a growl. Sticking pads are also easier to fix.

Another test for brakes is to use them and see if the noise changes, if you apply the brakes very gently, brake squeal will usually change very quickly, of course it may also affect bearing noise but less so.

If you’ve eliminated the brakes, you can often tell worn bearings by loading or unloading them laterally. If the noise changes (and maybe goes away) on a long corner, it’s likely to be a wheel bearing. Try left and right curves.


. . . which is the reason to own a Lotus in the first place! :sunglasses:

Thanks for the feedback chaps. I am pretty sure the noise does not change whilst braking, and that it does go away when cornering, but I’ll check again next time I am out in her (assuming the weather picks up).

