For anyone who is interested.
I have just fitted new front suspension to my Elan +2. The old parts were just plain worn out with the holes at the trunion end of the wishbones badly ovalised. Handling was less than positive.
Rather than fabricating repairs I decided to go for new parts from Spyder.
Andy at Spyder was very helpful when I called to order the parts and they arrived next day by mail order complete with new rubber bushes press fitted. The bones look to be very well made and were a lot stronger than the old parts.
Fitting the new stuff along with doing a trunion overhaul took a leisurely Saturday. Everything was a direct replacement with no modification to anything necessary. I have checked the track and it was OK.
All in all the car feels a lot firmer and turns into a corner a lot better. I have since done a run from Central Scotland to Skye and back (beautifully quiet sweeping A roads at this time of year) with absolutely no problems. The car felt great.
Also, this maybe all in my mind but the car looks like it is sitting better on the road.
This is the second set of components from spyder that I have fitted to my car. Last year I replaced the back Chapman struts (which were completely knackered) with the Spyder equivalent. No trouble here either and again they were a direct replacement along with Spax top adjustable inserts. Took a wee bit longer that a Saturday to do though.
My car has a Spyder chassis which was fitted before I got it.
If anybody is thinking on doing the same thing give me a shout and I can give you the full lowdown and a couple of photos if you want.
This may offend the purists out there but it has improved the car at a realistic price and not destroyed any of the character. It is still a tempremental thoroughbread and more importantly, feels like one. The only other thing I have fitted is a Motolita leather rim but I class that as a period accessory because you could buy one of these when the car was new.
I still remain to be convinced about the Zetech conversion. A Lotus elan isn’t a lotus without an enthusiastic twink under the bonnet!
Hi Hamish
There is no doubt that spyder products are well engineered. I have a problem with them in that the ones that I have from them are heavier than the standard items. This runs against the principle of the car. I do have the spyder lower and upper front arms, and the back A frames as well. All of it is a good deal stronger than the originals, and heavier as well. When it comes to the bit where I put it all back together I am seriously considering ditching the spyder stuff and using the good condition original parts that I have.
If the original stuff does the job, then what benefit is the extra strength and weight? If I wanted that I would be driving something over engineered, and the experience would be different.
I reluctantly fitted the spyder body sills because I already had them, but if there was a lighter galvanised alternative I would have gone for it.
I am pleased that the car is back to handling well and giving pleasure. Blimmin hope that mine is doing that soon!
I take your point aboutSpyder stuff being, comparitively, a wee bit over engineered. Having seen the original suspension on the bench, I think that while being a brilliant engineer/designer whom I greatly admire, Chapman sometimes cut it a bit too close to the line. (had he not a history of doing this with his race cars? ergo Clark’s retirements through mechanical failure) These things are really flimsy and if anything a wee bit under engineered.
If I had an unlimited budget I would probably tried to source original parts as I would have liked to keep the car as original as poss. Spyder is a good substitute that, at least, lets me get the car going well. I plan on keeping all the original parts so if I ever decide to sell the car, it will be a complete package.
Anybody else got any views on this?
I’ve taken the view that the best way to reduce overall weight is to get myself down to the gym a couple of times a week rather than worry about the thickness of the wishbones!
Is it really neccessary to have the ‘originality debate’ every time someone mentions a car with a Zetec engine? There are a few out there now and their owners should surely be free to discuss them here without having to put up with comments about them not being a ‘real’ Lotus.
Would a ‘Modified Car’ section on this forum help all you originality fans? You could avoid reading it, concentrate on keeping your cars standard and let the rest of us get on with the modifications.
Seriously, I suspect that some people are put off from making contributions by the sniping - are people with Zetec cars welcome here or not?
“I’ve taken the view that the best way to reduce overall weight is to get myself down to the gym a couple of times a week rather than worry about the thickness of the wishbones!”
Being someone who is 3 1/2 years away from retirement, doing what you suggest would give more years to enjoy my lotus. I have to agree strongly with your sentiment.
Also to me, the difference between Lotus wishbones and Spyder ones is not much more that a few hours in a gym and a pocketfull of loose change.
I don’t mean to snipe at people who have Zeetech conversions. I think that a car that is more than 35 years old that can stand the mechanical stresses of a modern engine and be vastly improved in performance terms is a tremendous compliment and endorsement of Chapman’s genius in design.
If people wish to convert Elans to have more modern engines; strength to their elbows, as long as they are doing it in the spirit of Lotus. Twinks can be a pain in the arse at times (read my post about trying to get a new set of plugs on Skye on a Saturay morning) so if someone wishes to fit a different engine to put a Lotus on the road then great. Being contentious - as long as it is not a diesel zeetech! ( I own a turbo diesel Golf). 
In Skye I would have happily have converted to a Zeetech. Tonight I would like to keep the twink.
Basically - live and let live, we have a lot in common. One of my main drivers is that I maintain a Lotus as atribute to Jim Clark who was my hero! I’m sure he would have approved of a Zeetech Elan. Go for it guys!

Hi Simon
I think that if there is a modified section then just about every car would be in it. My other plus 2 body has a handbrake lever on the floor. Do I qualify?
I think that the zetec conversion is a great idea, whether it is an engine in a standard chassis or the full monty. Each to their own. The ford zetec is a twincam engine in any case. Modern version of.
Running an original car is fine. I used one as a runaround for 8 years. It all comes down to what you want from your car and that is a personal thing. If I had 15K to spend on a modern car, and it had to go round the M25 and up to London and so on I would have me a Zetec plus 2 for sure. What could be finer for the money?
Forgot to mention…
Zetecs welcome! and my fitness campaign starts Monday. And I will probably use the spyder suspension bits. The roads around here are terrible and must put more stress through the suspension than pothole free ones. I know that they stress me. As it happens the ride over poor surfaces is one of the strong points of the car.