Sprint writing - font

OK Guys, this’ll test you.

The white “Elan Sprint” lettering that is on top of the Gold stripes used on a Sprint.

Anyone know what font is used ?

Hello Richard

I can’t remember the name off the top of my head, but tell me what you want it for & I might be able to help with this.



Its a style/design I “Borrowed” for my company logo, but I only have it in a .bmp format these days & now need to use it as white text on a coloured background.

Not sure on that one. Susan Miller will probably be able to tell you; give her a call.

I can tell you that the script on the wing badge is Impact for the “Lotus Elan” and then Mistral for the “Sprint”!


Cannot find it at the moment but 2 very similar fonts you could try are
“Eurosyle” or “Microgramma”. They are not the same but they have a lot of similarities. On the “ELAN SPRINT” it has a lot of spacing added between the letters & you may have to stretch one of the above fonts to get it to look the same. If you get stuck, I will send you my number via a PM & I will help you to do this. Also, please tell me more about the company name you want to create (via pm if you want). Good luck

All the best


I bought my Sprint stripes from RD Enterprises ( www.rdent.com ). They made up a run of their own Sprint stripes a little while back that look quite original. They may still have some in stock. (I had some original unused NOS Lotus Sprint stripes that no longer have the stickum, but I don’t think any Lotus NOS stripes will work after so much time has passed, so I opted for the RD Enterprises stripes and was quite please with the outcome.)

You can contact them directly, and I’m sure they could tell you the fonts.

'71 Elan Sprint
Miami, Florida