Sprint Locking Boot Handle

Having done a stupid thing I’ve lost the key for my boot handle! and no its not the same as the door locks as I purchased it separately. Is there any way of finding a way of getting a key that fits ? or am I going to have to buy a new handle/key.
Tight Yorkshire man!!!

Take it off and take it to a proper locksmith. Pretty certain they’ll cut you one, if you can take the appropriate blank with you that’ll help.

Yes if you can remove the handle you should be able to get the cylinder out and can take it to a lock smith.
However it may not be much cheaper and you’ll have plenty of leg work to do.

See this thread a probably others as well


If you remove the handle from the support bracket, have a look at the square shaft that comes out of the end, the part that turns the lock catch. Normally there is a number stamped on it (such as “912” for ax ample,). This is the key number and then you just need to find a key on ebay (there are sellers who sell most if not all of the numbers).
You will need to know if it is an “FS” or an “FB” (I think from memory?) prefix key though. Type in “Wilmott Breedon” keys and you should find one…a good locksmith may also hold all of the numbers too but these are old style keys and mostly they will hold blanks to copy yours from…no good if you don’t have it any more…

Hope that is helpful


I had keys cut for my +2. Keys were cut from the code. I think the cutter also knew they were FS (1968) from the code . code was on the square rod as described.
in my case was xxx or xxx … so I had both cut… turns out the earlier number is very rare and took a few tries to find someone with both keys… in the end xxx was correct.

editted to obscure the actual number

If the Barrel in the Boot Handle is the same series e.g. FS or something like that as the doors no problem.
Remove the Barrel from Handle and change positions of the Wards in barrel until when you slide the Key in they do not protrude from Barrel. It’s very easy to change/remove Wards so you can have one Key for all Locks.
You don’t need to be a Locksmith.

Not so sure this is a good idea - you’ve just given any car thief the code to key of your car??

Steve, you need a reality check! I used to open my Plus 2 with a penny! :unamused:

Thanks all,
Have ‘bit the bullet’ and bought a new one from Paul Matty’s, I’ll see if I can dismantle the one presently fitted and see if I can find a number. At least I’ll have a spare then.
Now a crying tight Yorkshireman

I edited as suggested, but to be honest I think it more likely that the scum will arrive with a low loader . More likely to pick the lock than spend money on key cutting.

Let’s face it if we have a drop head locks don’t mean anything :smiley:

Or a Frogeye with no locks in the Doors

New boot lock arrive today from Matty’s (less than a day) and now all fitted. Had to remove a couple of lugs on the back face and cut the spindle down but that only took a few minutes. Longest job was refitting the two screws and lock nuts which had very little room at the back.

Now you’ve got the weekend to take the old one apart and play with it!
Should also mean that the old key will turn up :smiley: