Sprint indicator repeater question

The o/s repeater fell apart when trying to remove it for repair, so ordered new from Sue Miller. It’s just arrived and is different.

Brian Buckland’s book/bible says (page 527) that SE and all S4’s had one type, but that all Sprints had another (the Sparto).

Mine definitely has the S4 type. It was registered in October '71.

Can anyone confirm their Sprint is similar ? Could it be that all early Sprints simply used up old S4 stock ?

So, interested to hear from owners with Sprints around that date of registration, please, as to what they have fitted.


There’s two kinds of repeaters as you say, The Sparto one which is the same as the dash interior light - except orange and a Lucas type (Lucas I think) this is the same that’s used on London Taxis and Austin Maxis. I’ve an early S4SE that had the Lucas type, got them new from a Leyland dealer (in 1988), so looks like Ebay or Austin specialist. Sparco still available from everyone. As to which car had what, that’s the usual Lotus dilemma. Mine has a lot of S3 bits.

Marks out of 10 for helpfulness: 6

It’s the Sparco brand repeaters which are obsolete and unobtainable (like the S4 interior light but orange).

The lucas type (a couple of different types in fact) are readily available and were used on several period cars.

So 0 out of 10 for helpfulness!!

OK, I’m sure I saw them in abundance recently, but I’m prepared to be corrected. I’ll check when I get home and update my helpfulness score.

In the meantime:

demon-tweeks.co.uk/products/ … ode=LMA834

No aluminium surround tho, and Sue Miller has:


Yeah I checked…Amazing how you think you’ve seen them everywhere but when push comes to shove there’re not actually exactly the same. Also found these, and the same in the accessory shop on the way home.


cgi.ebay.co.uk/Caravan-Motorhome … dZViewItem

graystonengineering.com/mini … 20page.htm
Again-not chrome or ali - but both on the same page

Still can’t give a definitive answer to the question tho’… I think I deserve a 3

The fact that you’re trying to help is worth at least a 5

Then when we factor in the thoroughness of your Google search … :slight_smile:

Perhaps someone has a stash of NOS Sparco repeaters somewhere?

Thanks guys.

Judging by recent results, it’s got to be 96.5%, so yet another A grade pass !! That ensures your entry into the Lotus uni, but what course will you study … ?

Back to the repeater.

I’m going to try to repair mine, and in the meantime have passed the Lucas part numbers to Susan, who is going to try to source some.

Thanks again.

Stuart, my Sprint left the factory Oct 72 and was exported to S.Africa until brought it back in 2002, the ind.marker lens and dash light have never been changed.
I dont know what the difference between S4 lens and Sparto is :question: does it say Sparto on it? my lens does not.
Whatever they are they were fitted on Sprints…and yes I know they have cracks in them …just goes to show they are original.