When assembling splined drive shafts should I use a nickel or copper anti seize? Or other? Grease?
What is the accepted practice?
When assembling splined drive shafts should I use a nickel or copper anti seize? Or other? Grease?
What is the accepted practice?
I presume you are talking about the sldiing spline drive shafts on the TTR 26R style conversion to replace the donuts.
Anti sieze is not a proper lubricant and should not be used on moving parts. It is intended to stop corrossion siezing non moving parts eg , nuts / bolts, fixed splines and hubs etc
A normal water resistant lithium soap EP grease is suitable for most sliding spline drive shafts. I do not know if TTR have any other recommendations for their units.
TTR recommends the grease that’s used in constant velocity joints so it’s that which I pump into mine occasionally.
TTR told me to use Moly grease in them, as that is what they put in on assembly. You can’t mix apparently…
Same difference:- “Moly” grease / “CV joint” grease
As usual knowledgeable answers. Thanks. The splines I require to grease are for a TVR and are the same as a TR-250 / TR-6. These do not have a zirk so whatever I apply at time of assembly will be all that the shaft will receive.
Unless there is a fitting I have missed.
The knowledge available on some other marque lists is suspect. I always return to the Lotus list for the right information.
Thank you all. Molly grease it is.
Aah you didn’t mention TVR!
A bit of Blacksmith’s sweat should do the job
Ah, learn something new everyday!
Thanks John