About a year ago I replaced my front shocks with the SJS pro tec shocks, they are adjustable for both damping and height I but to get the ride height correct took some time and I ended up with one platform being screwed up a lot more then the other. Even though I have the damping on the second position I find the suspension quite hard, maybe I’m just getting spoiled with modern cars
The shocks look nice being all aluminium but in relation to the ride I prefered my old standard lotus original shocks.
I replaced my front shocks with Protech’s and springs from SJ
earlier this year. I’m still fiddling to get the ‘ideal’ ride height, but
this seems to be dictated by my rather high rear end…the car’s too.
Both shocks are at exactly the same adjustment and the car is
Rob: Is your chassis ok??
I’m very happy with the shocks.
I chose them for:
Adjustability (‘standard’ shocks and springs could be a lottery regarding
final height especially)
The fact that SJ could fit teh springs for me and PM could not. Or
at least PM wanted my old shocks first to do the job…
Bottom line. I’m happy with them! I’ve done about 6,000 miles
on them so far.
I have the TTR shocks and like them. One of the nicer features is 4 usable inches of spring adjustment, allowing the use of 8-10 inch springs. Finished in nickel plate and appear to be very well made. I have not had them on the road yet, but expect the typical TTR quality will translate into function.
Thanks - I’ll prob stick with the protechs, but it’s just that nibbling away-ness of whether that extra ?50 will make such a huge difference etc…
Whilst we’re on the subject, how do I get the back of the +2 down - just shorter springs? My (car’s) back end is very high at the moment, as is the front. Once I lower the nose a bit it will look like a dragster…
I fitted the TTR kit on my S4 and I have been very happy with them. TTR supplied the units ready assembled with the springs included in the price. IMHO I think the GAZ (TTR) dampers will be more durable than the protect units.
I fitted TTR’s front fast road kit (adjustable front springs and Gaz dampers), together with their rear fast road kit (narrow 2.25 inch springs with adjustable platforms and adjustable Gaz dampers and top plates).
I wanted kit for front and rear from the same source, and one with race pedigree. Price was also a factor.
It’s been fitted for a year and covered about 4000 miles. I found it easy to fit.
You need to bed the suspension in, and this takes time. In my case the only niggle was the rear rideheight being too high. Ended up changing to 12 inch springs. A simple and cheap job.
I’ve now got a touch of negative camber at the rear, and have cured the Minilite/wishbone issue (in common with Miked).