Hi Guys,
I got this cable in a box of bits of +2 stuff and it certainly looks like a speedo cable but I don’t recognize the end with no fitting (the one on the right). Is this a +2 speedo cable? 5 speed cable maybe? Cable is 80" long.
Greg Z
'72 Sprint
The connection on the right would be the end that connects into the speedo, the other end is certainly the one that connects to the right angle drive on the gearbox.
Both ends should have a nut - looks like a piece of scrap to me.
Brian Clarke
(1972 Sprint)
Dave & Brian, I was thinking the end on the right might be held in by a clip of some sort. And the cable end coming out of the rh side is plastic! So into the trash it’ll go. Thanks.
Keep the inner,it might come in handy if it’s the right length…
And if it is the right length and you keep it on the shelf you’ll guarantee that the original will never go wrong…
Some speedo cables are held in with a circlip (not on 4sp Elans) Here is a pic of a Cortina tail housing showing where the cable and cirlip is fitted.
Also some moden cars have a plastic extension piece on the end of the cable.
Maybe someone was going to try to fit it to an Elan.
Excellent point!
Could be a Cortina cable for a non-three rail box. The Cortina cables I’m familiar with have a large aluminum boss with an ‘O’ ring on the gearbox end but this could be something else. Ok, out of the trash it comes.