Sourcing A Body In The Uk


I am wondering what suppliers there are for Elan bodys in the UK?

What colour should I paint it once I’ve got it? <_<


Try TONY THOMPSON, you can get everything from them.
Some of my friends did it and they were all happy with the service.
I intend to get there myself to buy a new frame and maybe a full body because mine is full of cracks.

Elan S4SE 1970

Dont know which body you are looking for but I was just looking at Paul Matty’s web site and he’s got a S1/2 lightweight body shell marked as a “X Special” @ ?1395 + vat.
p.s. I’ve no connections to Matty’s


You could get these guys to make you one …Perhaps asking for extra thickness in the vulnerable areas (all over? :laughing: )

Boss Motors in Norfolk on 01953 887471

I’d paint it a colour you like :stuck_out_tongue:


Remember a bodyshell is just that!!!
a Shell…
No light pods
No doors
No bonnet
No boot
No plenum

Just for those who don’t know, what is a “plenum”?

Thanks in advance.

The plenum is the fiberglass ductwork for the heater.

and Christopher Neils do them aswell, made to order.

If you do get a new shell don’t paint it straightaway as it’ll still be settling. Good idea to leave it for a few months - outside in the sun during the summer preferably. Everything settles into it’s final resting place then and any air bubbles become apparent and ready for removal.

And don’t expect a new shell to fit first time off either !

Lotus yellow looks good B)

The shell at Paul Matty’s has gone and a new lightweight one costs ?2750, I know cos I asked yesterday.

Gino :astonished:

Nowt wrong with old shells if you got time…

Just strip completely…
Bake in an oven (local shop charged me ?50)
Repair as needed
Tissue whole shell
leave for a few months … what lovely cracks appear then!!!
Re repair
Leave again
then get the bodyshop to re bake
Spray with Durabuild or Crystic coat
and then prep as you want…

Sound like a lot of work…
but you can get all the panels to fit
do all the niggley bits, and know that it is good!
and what does it cost… your time, a bit of resin and some matt and a good eye!
The baking is very important though to remove all the moisture from the shell and panels before you start work

depends if you want the car “Now”

There’s a brand new Plus 2 body, including doors and boot lid, on eBay at the moment;…4509316163&rd=1

?360 last time I checked, but it’s not been on for long and it’s already had a few bids - might be worth watching though… (I took the bvt approach with mine)

Lotus yellow is a very nice colour, but getting very popular (common) :smiley:

There again I have just had my Elan painted yellow so I can’t complain, it certainly gets the car noticed.
There is always pistashio green!!

I bought a new body from TTR and it was the best decision I ever made. It’s reinforced in the pedal area and the work was wonderful. He died the fiberglas dark green for me, since I was painting it green. HIGHLY recommended
Paul Zimmerman
65 S2

Hello all,
I require a new bodyshell for a S3DHC.
Any advice regarding sourcing a quality S3 shell ?
I was ready to order one from Miles Wilkins/Fibreglass Services at GBP 3,500
when I spoke to another Elan owner who recently purchased a new S3 DHC shell
from them. Appears the shell was very rough and needed 500 hours of work before
it was ready for paint. No heater plenum or battery box/shelf at this price either !
Paul Matty also quoted GBP 3,500 (Shell sourced from Fibreglass Services ?)
TTR advised they do not have S3 moulds, but can source a shell at GBP 2,800.
I’m in Australia, so can’t inspect a shell before purchase.
Thanks in advance.


Try calling Norman Lupton on 01257 462899. Good contact, 100% honest and he can usually find what you’re looking for. Mention me and you might even get it cheaper too!

John Blackwell

Hi John,
Thanks very much for your reply.
I will contact Norman Lupton and advise the outcome.

Thanks for your help all, TTR sounds like a good bet then! :slight_smile: