Source for Euro ZS Intake?

Hi, all,

New to the forum. Recently purchased 0013K, a partial basket case that has been sitting for 15 years. I’ve rounded up all the missing parts and have located rebuild kits for the hydraulics and Zenith-Stromberg carbs.

There is the lead-in to my question: where is a good source for the Euro ZS intake manifold? I would prefer to go this route rather than modify the factory emissions manifold.

Alternatively, who has modded the emissions manifold successfully, and exactly what did it entail? I’m leaning towards sleeving the throats with 1.75" i.d. stainless, but understand tapping and plugging the secondary throttle shaft holes is another option.

Thanks in advance. BTW, love the board!

Ernie Peters

Hi Ernie, what are you hoping to gain from this modification? More HP, top speed, etc; ?
I’ve owned a few Elans through the decades and my current stock +2 Stromberg edition has a certain punch my Weber Elan S1 lacks. I’m an old fashioned Elan guy who believes lottsa bucks would have to be spent to improve on the original designs, I’m also a guy who’s never heard of an Euro ZS intake manifold. What are it’s benefits? Eric


Thanks for your reply. I’m going with an exhaust header rather than the cast manifold/down pipe and thus am eliminating the crossover tubes. Without the tubes I will have to block off their ports on the intake manifold, and it seems to me a more efficient crossover can be had than that built-in to the original manifold.

I don’t expect a large increase in overall power, but do anticipate an increase in driveability - I’m thinking a straight shot from the carburetors to the heads without the disruption of the secondary throttles is a good thing.


You best bet for this type of part is one of the UK suppliers. Try Sue Miller she has a lot of parts stashed away.

I run an Elan with Strombergs and have done some tweaking to get more power etc. see for full details.

A year ago I went on the same quest - and found only one of the two manifolds (the rear one??). I forgot where I located that one piece, but it was in the UK. I didn’t buy it. I never found the balance tube piece, either.

Two “Euro” versions exist: the “high” balance tube, and the “low” balance tube. If I remember, the high version is preferred.

I drove my Elan for many years with the secondary throttle-shaft holes plugged with globs of silicone gasket sealant. I’d blanked off the cross-over tube ports with a flat aluminum plate, and simply removed all of the throttle plates, shafts, and linkage - and added the silicone globs in the shaft holes. Nothing fancy, but it seemed to work fine.