Hello list.
I and my son are looking at a ‘70 plus 2. I have done quite a bit of MG work, so the Lotus doesn’t scare me. However, the flippin’ HOOD is stuck down, not letting me see enough to feel CERTAIN about bringing this car home. Any ideas on getting the thing open? Ideas that, of course, would not scare the seller! (no pry bars!)
Well, I bought it, and am very content. The seller got the hood open. Car’s been sitting since 1980…just ordered the manual. Going to be quite a job, car’s all there, but I don’t even know where to start…
Anything I should check that’s not obvious?
Couldn’t begin to tell you! Takes me back six years.
Seriously, anything I can help with pm me, I would be glad to help.
Where are you?
Hood…pry bar…I’ll take a guess he’s in the States! 
Yeah, I’m in the states. I used to converse on MG lists and use ya’lls tems, bonnet, boot etc. However I’m a bit buiser these days and find it faster to type as I speak. Sorry to all, but I need more time to get my car goin’!
I’m in New Orleans, Louisianna, USA, and would welcome any help. I’m very new to the Lotus world, but the more I learn about this car, the happier I bought it. Sure ain’t many of THESE rollin ‘round here!
One thing. I thought this was a “federal” car, but I do not have the red head cover…(no manual yet either, but workin’ on it) So, where’s the numbers? (engine) and perhaps some kind of online vin decoder? I’d sure like to find out exactally what I have here.
VIN 7003060043N 1970 plus 2
Thanks again.
whoa— the only thing you need a crow bar for on the whole car is to GENTLY pry the diff into place —first thing to check is the chassis condition–wheel bearings -and those weird donuts[ if you have them] on the rear axles - rebuild the brakes and master cylinder --compression test the motor -180 lbs is tip top -oil pressure should be around 40 on start and 20 at idle -fill and bleed everything --expect some things to fall off --wires to smoke and generally exhibit the fine British quality and craftsmanship that built the Empire – [ not] —most parts break before they wear out–but driving the cars is the most fun you can have with your clothes on ----kind of like dating a beauty queen ----high maintenance – lovely to look at and a slight promise of things to come --ed
Ok, sounds like I got another MG…(With better preformance possibilities)
Donuts…I’ve read about those, but don’t really understand what they are yet. (manual is on the way) I’m assuming they are part of the indy rear suspension?
Tonight I’m just putting in a new battery, and gonna see what happens when I hook it up and turn the key on. See what glows, works, (or does not) smokes, sputters, whatever. (I’ll have a fire extinguisher on hand)
Can’t do much more until I get the manual, see where the good jacking points are, and get it up on stands so I can get my big @&# under it.
Still wondering what I have here. I posted the vin earlier. Any help in that redard would be most welcome.
Installed battery! No smoke…Turned key…got “parking brake light” a little red light on the dash, headlights, tailights, power windows, not much else. (still no smoke)
Turned key, engine turned!! Yay!! No start tho, (like I thought it really would? But then again, nothing smoked!) One Stromberg is stuck, and I had to quit for the night. Looking now for Stromberg rebuild kit (any ideas?)
Can’t WAIT for the manual!!
Welcome to the group, here’s a little help with your VIN #7003060043N
06 = BATCH #
0043 = CHASSIS #
Rgds Brian
Oh, forgot to add, doughnuts are the rubber coupleing on the drive shafts,
it was a cheap way to transmit the drive to the rear wheels which would accomadate the changeing lengths of the drive shaft (through suspension travel)
As cv’s were not available then 26r’s (racing Elans) used drive shafts with universal joints.
Th doughnuts have a veried life, some people love them and some hate them, a cv conversion is available but you will find out more as you go along but do check yours as when they fail extensive damage can result.
Ah! typo error…N = +2 FEDERAL EXPORT
Thanks for all the info. I’m standing by now waiting for my manual to arrive. I’ll most likely piddle with some electrical stuff. but watching the weather is still an issue here as a major hurricane is lurking…
Thanks again
Hellow Dave, I’m a happy ‘69 +2 owner in Cincinnati, the huurrrricane will pass as you well know (look out for this next one tho’) and the Lotus will still be sitting there, asking for attention… stuck Stromberg??? WD40 and the Italian tune up… try it. email me directly and we’ll have you cruising the Bayou tomorrow… sell the MG’s…
Italian tune up?
Ok, that’s a new one. We’re jsut watching H-cane Dennis…seeing where he goes. We have family not only here in New Orleans, but in Mobile.
ANYWAY!! (sorry for the weather digression listers)
It’ll be a few more days until I get back to the car. Hopefully by then I’ll have my new manuals in hand and have read thru them. Then we’ll go thru everything from compression tests to elect. system checks to fuel system checks and cleaning. Then hopefully the car will fire right up.
Thanks again to all who answered. I’ll write back soon, and try to learn how to post pics on here.
Hello all,
Well, got back to the Elan today. Got all the fuses changed out. Got the carb damper unstuck, changed the plugs, and tried to spin it over. It spun fine, and with a bit of starting spray, fired. (only for a second, didn’t want it to RUN on the stuff. The carbs (strombergs) are dry in the dampers. I know I saw SOMEWHERE in here what kind of oil to put in them, but I can’t find it. Suggestions? Where I live the daytime summer highs are 90 degrees F and very cold winter weather is frosty mornings (say 30-35 Degrees F)
Still waiting for the manuals and getting a bit antsy…trying to avoid asking the questions that my manual will answer…
Thanks again for all the replies and patience
I’m no expert on Stromburgs but as no one else has answered I will try, as far as I know a thin oil should be used (sae 10 or 20) when I have worked on stromburgs I have used ATF (automatic trans fluid) to fill the dampers, I believe other people also use it.
ps. hope you didnt get blow away by Dennis!
I have Webers, but my LOTUS manual has info for Strombergs as well - it reads to use 20-50 engine oil in the carb dampers
20/50 oil in the dampers will be a bit too heavy. You will probably find the the response will be slow or sluggish.
From my experience of many years ago, rallying and autocrossing minis equipped with SUs or Strombergs, a thin light oil was the best. We used to use an oil called 3 in 1. If you’re in the UK any decent DIY shop should have it.
Oops, I’m not paying attention - just noticed you’re over the pond. 3 in 1 is the same as a light gun oil. Saw it in Cabellas the last time I was over your way.
Thanks, that solved the oil issue.
I spent hours looking on the computer for rebuild kits for these carbs. Any Ideas? (preferrable in the states) I’m usung cross references to look for kits via other vehicles now. No one here even has Lotus’ listed in their books!