Recently did the photography for a story in a new magazine here in the States called “0-60” ( and it hit the newsstands this week. We got a modified Elise, an Exige S from Lotus, an 84 Esprit, an 04 Exprit V8, and my Elan together and took a nice road trip. Here is a few sample shots with the Elan in it (the writer and my assistant are driving it for the photos).
You can pick it up at Barnes and Noble, etc.
The Silver Esprit was quite lovely and sure sounded mean, it was pretty heavily modified too. Ran out of time and did not get the chance to drive it unfortunately
The writer (who is also a friend) thought the Elan was a hoot, but probably wouldn’t want to live with it. Sometimes I think the same thing
I drove the Exige S the day before over the roads to scout location and while it was certainly fun, my Elan is much more exciting.
If you want to see another great picture of Morgan’s Elan go to the 4th page in the Gallery, towards the bottom and open NIGHT TIME ELAN.
I love the blured movement affect you get in the first picture.
That first picture is worth an award, brilliant
Tried an Exige (Toyota engine) myself a while ago. It made me happy (er, um, happier!) to be an Elan owner.
I pretty much looked at a color chart and said “that one!”
I believe it is a General Motors color, but I don’t know what they called it off the top of my head.
I have the paint code on the side of a can, but at the moment it is 370 miles away at my folks house. If you are really interested I can call over and get the info for you
If you could do that for me it would be great. My S4 is going to be resprayed at some point and I am still trying to decide on a colour. I quite like the blue you have on yours, it is a bit different than the normal yellow and I have had no end of red sports cars.