Can’t wait to hear what the black car is. :wink: :laughing:

Ed, what is Ancaster, for those of us not on the left side of the pond?

AHH Ancaster is a little town where the Healey club of Canada rent the fairground and invite all the English car owners to come there where they are charged 5 bucks to walk around and look at or buy old used up car parts -----If you drive a Brit car you get in the good parking --Domestic car owners are parked way away and must walk many moons past the water that flows fast and climb the sacred mountain to see the old car parts for sale at hugely inflated prices --If it rains virgins are sacrificed to the dark gods of Lucas and people wail and wrest their garments asunder and look for tow trucks to start their cars and pull the sacred cars from the mud ---------ed–


Sounds like a perfect venue for Morris dancers !

Would make your day … !!!


It was so cold they stayed drunk and hid in the igloo --froze their bells off --ed

Do you know who brought the Elite? A couple of the Canadian lads came down for the the Elite 50th at Lime Rock a few years ago.

no —I was getting ready to leave so I didnt hang around to chat —ed

the black S2 looks pretty mean, did you see under the hood?

no the owner was not around --ed

The Elite is owned by Roger Baker who lives in Toronto & is a member of the Ontario Lotus Club.
According to a friend the black Elan used to have a Hart twink in it but the owner now has that engine installed in a home built from scratch Lotus 23. The story I was told is that the Hart engine was giving over 190bhp. when in the Elan, nothing under 5000rpm.

Thanks for the memory refresher. I thought it might have been Roger Barker’s Elite. Roger and Ron Hunter drove it down from Toronto for our Elite gathering at Lime Rock Park in Connecticut in 2007.