Social Media Logins with new Platform

The new software platform for allows users to access the forums using social media logins. Would this be of interest?

I don’t do social media…I have a life.


Jeff, I think Twitter is now X.

FWIW I think the online sites get enough of my data already, I don’t want them to track every time I log into, so I have voted no.

Good luck with the new site.

No thanks.

Although I do have a faceache account I wouldn’t want to link it to anything else. Too inclined to be hacked and taken over these days.

No Thank you!



No thanks, I don’t use social media, and think some of it is dangerous bordering on evil.

Richard Hawkins

No thank you .

101% no, and thats how I voted

I have always voted no for everything as I hate change.

But, what are they gonna do with all the data.

1st, I have my birthday on everything set online as Jan 1, 1919. Never real name, never address etc. and the same login password for everything. I dont care if they hack my online, as they will never have anything to go on.

2nd, if a hacker wants in, they will find a way. So, back to 1

3rd, the Google login just makes it easy. Unfortunately, it the way they want the world to go. I still dont have a G account, and refuse. Don’t do Apple or FB but, have accounts everywhere.

I urge people to accept the fate of the what we like to think is ‘OPEN-SOURCE’ or what was intended to be OPEN. It is not OPEN-SOURCE it’s controlled. is likely one of the last sites. With all the problems on the web these days, Jeff knows the reality and I am surprised it’s lasted this long.

It sure would be nice to have a wiki of all important information for your searching pleasure. I am sure this will now be possible with A.I. In the new platform.

Keep your private information to yourself, you will be fine.

No thank you. If I’m browsing on that means I’m not browsing on any social media.

I gave G a vote because I do use it on other sites. But, I have a good login for here and would continue to use it.

No thanks

No thanks

While I use Facebook ( mainly for the Twincam Engine page :slight_smile:) and google . I dont use these accounts for logins to other things. Just dont like mixing up or sharing access names and passwords across multiple accounts. So i would not use a scoial media login even if available.


Having just voted (no thanks) and got the current voting status, I can see that there’s a clear majority of dinosaurs like me on here !

Cross media logins is one of those things that sound great and if you mostly use a phone for your internet activity, then I can see why it’s convenient. But I never access this or other forums on my phone, I use either a desktop or laptop so typing the site specific login isn’t a big deal.

And like others have posted, I’m wary of multiple account details being shared. I have no idea how much actual data is spread around, but having been the target of a scam in the last year I was stunned by how much data the scammers had on us.



I studied cyber security at a basic level a couple of years ago. What I hadn’t really thought about prior to the course was that security isn’t the same thing as privacy. Google (for example) may keep my data very secure, but may also mine every bit of data they can about me and know everything about my online activity, shopping, preferences and so on to sell to their advertisers. If you use a common account (again, say Google) to log in to other sites, it can be a very secure and convenient way of doing it, but you are now handing Google a free gift of the details of the other sites you visit. Depending on how the log-in process works, Google may get to see all of your activity on this third party site.

My own view is that there are enough people peering over my shoulder online without making it any easier for Google (or others) to do so.
