Just pulling into the garage after my weekly exercise run with the S2 and I began to smell something burning and she started smoking. It’s not the engine, thank goodness, but coming from the right front wheel. My handy little hydraulic jack seems to have lost a seal so I have to figure out another way to jack her up, but in the meantime any thoughts on the cause? I don’t think the brake caliper is stuck as the pedal seems to engage and release alright, so I am guessing a wheel bearing.
Anyone have a similar incident and/or any ideas on what it might be?
Steve, you can probably free off the stuck pistons but the best solution is reconditioned calipers.
The pistons and seals are readily available and it is not a difficult job to do but another option would be to get your own calipers rebuilt. In previous discussions (do a quick search) I know that others have recommended firms who have done a very good job at a reasonable price.
I’m sure someone will jump in with names and numbers
For general advice and parts in the UK IMO you can do no better than Susan Miller at Mick Miller Classic Lotus 01728 603307
I agree with the advice about handbrake pads but they are at the other end of the car of course
If the caliper is stuck on, a prime suspect is an internally collapsed flexible brake pipe; this can happen if the pipes are old, the pipe swells internally acting like a non-return valve. There is usually no outward sign of this fault.
No problemo … My first fault was to have it read too quickly and in the same time thinking about the mistake I made with the hand brake on … I am sure , I am not the only one and everybody ll do it .
Front caliper smoke , I had it years ago after a (too) long track session at the Bugatti . No stuck piston , no bracke pipe default , only trying too hard !
And btw the brake fluid get a nice brown color and had to be change …
Hi All,
It is very easy to ‘cook’ the standard brakes on an elan. I live in sight of Knockhill race circuit and had lots of track days with club lotus in my previous life ( +2 S130). Every time I went to the track I came home with NO brakes having set them on fire. Silicone fluids helped a bit but did not cure. I had a few sets of worn, almost slick p6’S and wore those out completly also. Mad!! very good fun though.
I gave a few 'fast' cars a fright with that +2. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: LMP 413K