Smiths Dual Gauge light

I am replacing the bulbs in my instruments (Elan S3 '67) as they were quite “low intensity”, the equivalent to a candle. The dual gauge oil/water backlight was never working and now that I have taken it out of the dashboard I am surprised that there is no light bulb, no bulb hole nor any connection …

Is this the way it should be ? No backlight in the dual gauge ?



PS I am not sure if I got the original instrument or not (the rev counter was a MG one) and did not find any (detailed) image of the original one.

I don’t think so, all the gauges should have backlights. These pics are of the gauge from my S4.


If you look at the gauge below the rim you may find slots ,some cars would have bulbs along side the body to light

As Neil has mentioned, it seems that you have an instrument that will have slots around its perimiter to permit external lighting.
Unfortunately the ply dashboard of the Elan masks those slots so an externally placed lamp could be done but with limited effect unless you take some scallops out of the rear of the dash.
Those instruments were designed for cars with pressed steel dash’s.
I was sent a replacement instrument, on exchange, that was the only way to do it because those guages are a bit rare.
The one I got back was the higher oil pressure scale & external lighting.
So a word of warning, before sending an instrument off on an exchange basis, take a photo of it first; otherwise you’re knackered on the argument basis.

Hi all,
thank you for your fast response !
I took it out carefully and there are no slots nor holes anywhere.
On the side I see 6 screwheads. checking older posts I now see that
it is non original as it goes up to 100 psi rather than 60 psi.

Last question (in this issue, for today, … :slight_smile: ):
Can I drill a hole for a bulb into the backside ?
Will there be enough space ?



there should only be one hole in the backside,don’t drill any more :laughing: :laughing:

Smiths did make some for vehicles and plant with no lights,
Maybe you should look at 12v leds,I would take the back of to drill