Simple one for the engine builders!

I have just taken the head off my +2 twincam and decided to do something about the dodgy threads on the thermostat housing lump. They need helicoiling to sort them out, but I am not sure what thread to ask my machine shop to fit! The housing was held in place by one bolt & one stud both of indeterminate origin (one was possibly an exhaust stud). The original threads are still visible but not in good condition.

Any answers?


5/16" UNC

Thanks for the speedy reply!

Hi Jeremy
How you doing.
We talked about the threads when you came over to visit recently.
Give me a call/email as I reckon I can fix that for you fairly easily and quickly in situ without taking the head off.


Hi there, too late! Head is off due to head gasket failure. Too much thrashing along motorways… Still it lasted 30k miles.

I have now had a closer look at the threads and only the top quarter inch has gone, the rest is OK, allowing a 5/16th stud to screw into the remaining thread quite well. I think I might fit studs instead of using bolts. Anyone know any reasons why I shouldn’t do this?!


I think you may have trouble removing the housing at a later date due to gasket sealer and any weeping onto the studs.


I’ve had studs in mine for years now,don’t know why lotus didn’t do it that way,a lot better IMHO…

John :wink:

Thanks for the comments and advice. I have decided there is a risk to using studs (housing could get stuck, but I remove the housing twice a year to change the stat - summer/winter) and a risk to using bolts (crossing them or pulling the remaining thread). On balance, I will go for the studs, perhaps stainless if available from any suppliers(?).
