Hi all,
Anyone know where i can get a hold of some new chrome sill trims in the UK.
On some photos of new or restored Elans I’ve seen the trims fitted but not on all.
Was there a specific model to which they were fitted?
I’ve got an Elan Sprint, and the side window chrome sill “trims” are an integral part of the entire window assembly inside the door. (ie. the whole thing is pulled out of the door vertically as an entire unit, pullys, cables, and all.) The chrome trim is not a seperate detachable item on my car. It appears that to refinish this chrome “trim”, the whole unit must be sent to the rechroming shop.
(As an aside: In replacing the cable on my power window, I have successfully substituted a cable meant for a bicycle built-for-two. It’s the longest cable you can buy from a bicycle shop.)
Hi, I think you probably mean the trims actually on the sills, rather than the window chrome ?
These were std I think on S3’s, and were certainly on my 68 S3 Drophead. I’ve seen them 2nd hand at Lotus Autojumbles, but never spotted them new, however try Paul Matty’s, Christopher Neill, and SJ Sportscars. If they don’t stock them, then I guess they’re not available anymore.
Be careful using bike cables for the windows… the cable is smoother and can slip … It is possible to improve matters if you use a bike cable by unwinding a single strand off the whole length this will make it a bit like the original one.
Don’t think Sill trims are available… and I though they were only on SE S3 Elans?
I had a 68 S4SE which had the chrome trim, it was specially made for the Elan and had a taper at each end. Repro stuff is available, but this is just a parallel strip with chopped off ends.