I see from browsing previous posts that i’m not alone with hazard flasher unit problems. My hazards lamps work fine, but the tell-tale tells no tale, as it were.
I have a 3 terminal “Signal-stat 180 12V Flasher”. I’ve pulled the thing apart and with a bit of prodding have managed to get it to light the tell-tale on its first “click”, but after that the little arm doesn’t move. I guess it’s simply not building up enough charge after that first pulse.
Does anyone know of a supplier of these units or whether the 3 terminal ones from Matty’s are the same. The other question is whether there is something I can do to boost the current to the unit? If that sounds like a stupid question you will have to excuse my naivety as electrics are not my strong point.
Hi There
The one I used can be seen if you follow the link below, about half way down the page.
If you are getting 12v to the unit it should be fine. These units can be picked up s/h for next to nothing.
Hope that helps.
The symptoms you have are consistent with the use of LED bulbs. Are you doing this?
The “tell-tale” is oddly a leading indicator of insufficient current draw for the flasher unit, which is a bimetallic relay (like blinking Christmas tree bulbs).
In my case, I can run LED rear lights (Europa S2) and get exactly your symptoms (1 flash, with the actual indicators working fine). If I put in LED fronts, all blinking ceases.
If you’re not using LED bulbs, you have some bad connections.
There are electronic replacements that don’t use current load. Perhaps someone has a known easy replacement for reference.