What was the original side mirror(s) on the my 1969 +2 (LHD)? I have a pair of chrome Talbot copies which are cast and a bit heavy. I have concerns that the added weight will stress the door where the mirror attaches.
Best way to attach mirror? Sheet metal screws into the 'glass or through bolts?
Are Talbot mirrors worth the cost? Best place to purchase?
That is a good question. Door-mounted mirrors don’t appear in the Service Parts List for the +2. In the US, at least from the early 70s on, the +2 was supplied with the Vitaloni Sprint mirror with a chrome plated housing. My +2 (mid-1971 build) has this mirror. I bought a replacement from Gunther Hansele (rdent.com) has also started carrying both Vitaloni and Talbot mirrors since I bought mine.