Short appearance by Graham Arnold at speed limit protest … s-66687817

Statistically motorways are some of the safest UK roads as deaths per mile are very low as everyone is travelling in the same direction. The worst ones are single carriage major roads where people overtake and have head on collisions.
We are now in an age where cars can do over 200mph, have more safety features than you can count and have the ability to drive them selves . But my local authority feels 30mph is too fast so there are now 20mph speed limits in my local town.
Cars may be advancing but we are slowly regressing to the speed of a horse and cart or a man walking in front with a red flag.


I got a laugh out of that. Thanks for posting. I too agree with the lady that perhaps I may have done 115mph on occasions.

Just come back from the Swiss Alps via Germany…. Got to love the unrestricted autobahns, but you need a real good rear view mirror :open_mouth:


Love the Lotus Cortinas. Wonder which sports car Graham brought to the protest?

Heard Graham talk about this many years ago - it was a deliberate Lotus publicity stunt (see all the Lotus cars in the first part of the vid - plus there was further press coverage)

A salesman by birth, who always had an eye for any chance of publicity!

For the record (or not, as there is no actual proof beyond me saying so :mrgreen: ), yesterday I did 130 in a rented Camry on a stretch of US Interstate when nobody was looking.