Shapecraft Elans

Reading some old postings i was interested to see reference to Shapecraft. The original design was by Barry Woods of Surbiton Motors, not having the finance he got Shapecraft to finance the moulds for the alluminium hardtops and also they built the and fitted the tops. the trimming, glazing and painting was carried out by Surbiton Motors.
The original S1 had a false nose (very similar to an Ogle Elan Shapecraft also built - that was not a full length hardtop). This car was white.
The racing Elans (lightweights) were originally three in number. Two were raced by Surbiton Motors 1. Barrys car 2. Les Arnolds car a third car was built for Dick Crossfield who had previously raced a Daimelar SP250
These cars did not have the false noses but did have a vent on the roof and additional quater lights to the rear. Les Arnolds car was written off at Zandevort. Barrys car i assume was dealt with by the reciever when they caught up with him. Both the Surbiton Motors cars were Red, I cannot remember what colour Dicks car was. the car purchased by Peter Sellers as a engagement present was the car at the Racing car show S1