Quick question:
The Plus 2 Lockheed replacement servo; it’s an 8" correct?
Quick question:
The Plus 2 Lockheed replacement servo; it’s an 8" correct?
The best way to specify is by the servo gain. I am pretty sure +2 gets a 3:1 gain version and the baby Elan gets the 2:1 version. Generally the larger the diaphragm the greater the servo gain.
Mine is a new lockheed servo supplied in the bits with my +2. I can confirm it is 8" dia.
Splendid, that’s good 'cos I just bought one!
Thanks chaps
The diaphragm diameter for the Plus 2 and the Just 2 Elans is the same; the difference is in the servo hydraulic cylinder diameter. I’m away from base right now and unfortunately can’t quote diameters or part nos. Classicar Automotive would be able to tell you.
Sean Murray
Further to my last post:
As I had reason to write to Classicar re the wrong type being supplied, I have part nos in my files.
Lockheed Servo installation kit type LE72696 is for the Elan/Sprint.
The difference is not obvious externally, I was not able to identify any distinguishing marks on the servo itself, but when I checked the box later it was the Elan/Sprint kit no. LE72696.
I dismantled both servos to check cylinder dias.
The Plus 2 servo unit is LR 18221 , complete installation kit (Servo + mounting bracket) no. is LE10117.
Hope this is useful,
Sean Murray
Thanks Sean, I’ll check it when I get home.
As far as I can tell there are only two Lockheed servos available 7" and 8" shell diameters…
Are there different variations of these as regards internal dimensions?
Don’t know about the 7" dia, but the 8" comes with at least 2 different hydraulic cyinder IDs, the part numbers I quoted distinguishes them. BTW just being looking on the net, the Elan Sprint type LE 72696is also used for Morris Minors. The Lockheed replacement servo is manufactured by Delphi Technologies Inc.
Ok, Thanks again.
I found a Lockheed installation manual on the net and it has a parts/applications listing. The list of applications from the guy I bought it off tally up with the Lockheed manual so it looks like I have the correct one - will check for sure later.
Cheers, you’ve been most helpful!