Hi all,
My +2 has just been through it’s M.O.T and (in addition to a few less taxing problems) the servo has been pulled up because there was a leak where the vacuum pipe enters the servo housing (the previous owner had simply araldited the pipe onto the housing because the connection had perished).
So the question is, what to do? I cannot see an acceptable method of reattaching the vacuum hose, so am looking at buying a new servo from a company on ebay (they currently have +2 suitable servo’s at ?115). What confuses me is that there seems to be some kind of slave cylinder which is bolted to the servo from the inside. Can anyone explain the function of this and has anyone bought a similar servo from e-bay who can say whether it comes with this cylinder or with suitable fittings for its attachment etc?
If yours is an early 2A servo with flat end plate this site head2head.free-online.co.uk/ … _sheet.htm will be of interest.
If it’s the later 2B, I can provide scans of rebuild instructions and exploded diagrams, pm me. There’s another recent thread on this site about servos
Hope this helps
Davey, which part is leaking? The steel pipe with the small flat plate at the end? I am sure this could be brazed. I think the other end is just sealed in a grommet. Worst case, perhaps you could replace the broken part rather than the whole unit.
Also look here:
It meantions Paul Norton of Norton Classic Servos (Tel: 01494 563254) who can repair or overhaul the unit you have.
best regards, iain
it’s the rubber tube which would normally go over the grommet, but the grommet has disapeared somewhere (probably inside), hence the rubber tube was just araldited to the metal shell. The actual servo is a sealed unit, so I guessed they weren’t made to be repaired? How are they clamped together again post-destruction?
I’ll check out the link when I get back from work later, thanks.
I think you’re referring to the “U” rubber fitting. Mine was also broken off at the shell, and the sleeve that holds it in from inside was rolling about loose. The rubber lip actually perishes and breaks, which is probably why yours was araldited. The repair kit from JL includes rubber U fitting, and a new, removeable shell clamp. You destroy the old one when dismantling.
yep that defiantely sounds like the same problem… You mention the repair kit from “JL”. Who is JL (excuse my ignorance)?
I’ve now established that my servo is a MKIIB and I have the repair kit sitting infront of me. Does anyone know of any overhaul instructions which exist for this particular servo??
See my posting of Mar 07 and pm me if interested
Hi Robert, I did try and pm you at the time, but didn’t get a response. I probably didn’t do it right?
The link that Iain gave had an exploded diagram which helped and I think i have it sussed now - I guess i’ll find out once I try my brakes!
Thanks for the offer though it is appreciated.
have pm’d you, see if that works
Re volvo1800pictures.com/document/G … d%202B.pdf
Great article but the 4th page is missing (ironically page 2b)
Anyone got a complete scan of this excellent article?
It had the 4th page when I downloaded it but it is a big file, I will try to scan it but my computer is giving problems. Here is an other sheet of instructions supplied by Club Lotus that may help you.
Thanks for that. It’s one I already had as a scan, but much appreciated.
The missing 4th page in the other one explained how the booster worked when the pedal is pressed. Quite complex and fascinating. Some engineering genius designed this…