Series 1 gear knob

Does anyone have an early Series 1 gear knob that shows what the inner Lotus medallion looks like? I believe it was made of brass, but not positive. I’ve included a picture posted on here earlier of the knob, but it doesn’t show the medallion clearly. Thanks.

I used to have one but sold it a few years ago, dont know if the medallion was brass or not as they were originally painted.
I was told that the threaded insert should be brass but mine was not and it was an original knob as I knew the car it came from.

Is the insert in the knob you’ve posted here the original medallion? If it’s an aftermarket medallion, do you know where it can be sourced? Obviously the diameter here is critical. Thanks.

It was all original, knob,threaded insert and Lotus badge, and I have more pics if required.

it’s interesting that you all say “threaded” insert. Does this differ from the S2 knob which is not concave at the top, but rather convex? my medallion came off and it was a matter of gluing back into place. It was a flat bottom medallion without any threads. or do you mean the threaded insert as being the mounting insert at bottom that screws/threaded onto the shifter stick??

The "threaded insert "I am refering to is the not the badge part, it is the metal insert at the bottom that screws onto the gear lever. As far as I know the badge is just stuck into the centre of the knob.
This insert is the part that I was told as brass, I believe the type 26 register referes to this brass insert.

Here is an extract from the “The Type 26 Register” where it mentions the brass insert.
Actually now I come to look at my pictures maybe it did have a brass insert :blush:

Do we have a consensus on this? Has anyone seen the gear knob on Jim Clark’s 997 NUR Series 1 REALLY early Elan? The pictures on earlier threads here show two versions–something looking like a traditional Lotus medallion either made out of brass or painted (?) to look like brass perhaps and another with the traditional colors on the medallion. It would be easy to jump to the colored version as that is what we’re used to seeing. The information in “The Type 26R Register” is a powerful argument for a brass insert however. Another of life’s mysteries maybe?

That picture in the OP is of mine, and I have no reason to think it’s not original. I can provide other photos if it helps.

Edit: in fact I had a photo already:


Quite possibly the badge (motif) is brass but they were originally painted, here are a couple more pics of the one I had and an enlargement, it does appear to have a circle of brass on the outer part of the badge.
I think the brass one you have pictured has had the paint removed/worn off.
Paddy, does your gear knob have a brass screwed insert where it screws onto the gear lever?
I have also attached a pic of a replica knob that could be bought on ebay but as you can see it is a poor copy not even having the correct shape.

A close-up of the top and a picture of the brass fitting at the bottom:

I understood the “have a brass insert” comment to be referring to the medallion but it is also true that there is a brass insert for the fitting to the gear lever.

It’s hard to tell if it was ever painted.


…slightly of exact topic but while we are taking about badges…

Where can I buy one of these? I would like at least two. One for my s3 and one for an upcoming project (I know s3s didn’t have them but they are very cool).
Would like to pay minimum for them! PM me if you can help.
Best regards, P

You can get one here but it looks awful and nothing like the real thing but what do you get for ?85 these days :laughing: … gear-knob/

…and a link to a Lotus Cortina site showing the gear knob…I believe this Cortina site is owned buy a member on this forum.

Well, I suppose if you have not yet been to spec-savers then this may be an alternative! :laughing:
Thanks for looking though.
Best regards, P

I don?t have a photo, but my S1 Bourne bodied car?s shift knob, but it has a depressed center, brass threaded insert, and a cloisonn? medallion. Looking at the photo of the brass medallion; it might be that it was painted or cloisonn? , at one time, and the finish was removed or chipped off.
Also my knob was oiled and has no varnish or lacquer finish; difficult to keep clean. :wink: