Separating spring and damper on 72 Sprint

Hello chaps.

I would appreciate your help as I try to separate the front spring and damper on my 72 Sprint.
I made a spring compressor following some of the ideas on other threads on this forum. The hole size (top end) is 63mm.

As I compress the spring I was expecting the collet / retainer to become loose to allow me to twist it away, release the spring then remove the damper.

You can see the unit plus compressor in its almost fully compressed state below:

The problem is that the collet stays with the spring and is rock solid all the way. It won’t budge.

What am I doing wrong?


Hello Jim,

According to your picture you are pressing on the collar ( through the bushes )

Try a thinner tube between the nut and pressure plate.

Best regards C.Garde

Looks to me like the diameter of the top plate is too small to let the collar come out?

John :wink:

John is so right. Blush!
A good thing that some doctors are planning doing awful things to my eyes. I see that now . :slight_smile:

I too have made up my own tool.( after seeing ( good old days ) a spring from a seven imbedding itself in in the wall. )
Even with ample diameter the spring / retainer might still need a little violence to brake free.

Best regards C.Garde.

Thanks for your comments gents.

There does seem to be a gap of about 2mm between the outer edge of the collar and the inner edge of the compressor end plate hole - see the photo below.

The raised circular section immediately around the hole is a part of the end plate. I made the compressor from two pipe flanges. It’s pretty thick - about 12mm but I think should still allow me access to the collar.

I’m pressing against the shoulder of the thin metal tube that covers the upper section of the spring. Is that right? I don’t see any way of removing that.


It’s a long time since I did one of those, but am I correct in thinking that the rod of the damper is sliding into the damper as you compress the spring?

If so having compressed the spring sufficiently you need to pull the rod out through that fitting of yours to release the collets.

The only way I can think of to do that would be to fasten a slide hammer to the threaded top of the damper rod and use it to give the rod a few hefty thumps.

Maybe a hammer and small drift will separate the two parts…just shock it…

John :wink:

It’s out!

Many thanks for your help. The combination of a very large screwdriver and John’s technique of giving it the good news with a drift and hammer did the trick. I also widened the hole in my compressor a little.

The collar was bent and burred after it came out but I’ve been able to bend it back into shape.

After four days of wrangling with it, I’m delighted.
