Secondary door weatherstrip

The +2 has two short lengths of weatherstrip rubber on the door and door opening. One piece is glued to the inside top corner of the door and the other apparently mirroring that attached to a small metal base riveted to the inside of the door aperature.

Where is this rubber available? Prefer a source in the U.S…



Hi Bob

I can’t help you with that secondary weather strip. However rcently in my quest to reduce the water leakage into my +2 from around the doors I looked at every +2 I could see at a recent Lotus show. Every one I saw had an additionnal seal on the leading edge of the door. Mine didn’t I ahve since added it and now the car is leakproof (nearly)

I could post a photo if that would help.


Where did you get the rubber that you used? What profile?

I would apreciate a photo to compare with what I had originally.




Yes please.


John :wink:

Secondary weather strip :cry: …I’m just getting my head around the normal set-up. Looking forward to see this pic.


Just to re-iterate as I’m doing this job now (when clips arrive) this is how I understand the set up to go.

Chrome waist clips screwed to outside of door and through fibreglass, rubber waist and into chrome frame.
Felt steel edged strip held onto inner door frame with special clips on the horizontal.
Copious amounts of Dum Dum around gaps in quarterlight to bottom seal :blush:

Now where would this second seal go and am I putting enough seals on :question:


It is quite possible that I was overly vague in my opening statement.

I am looking to purchase the proper profile rubber weatherstrip for the Elan +2 “secondary” door weatherstriping. This is in addition or secondary to the long weaterstrip that pushes over the fiberglass lip that surrounds the entire door opening or aperature.

There were two pieces on my +2. One section was attached to the door. It was located on the inside at the upper inside corner.

The other rubber piece was attached to the door apperature. It was glued to a metal base that was riveted to the fiberglass. It was located on the top inside of the door opening near the dash.

I have attached a photo of the door which will clearly show the secondary rubber strip.


Hi Guys

Below are some photos showing the second seal on my +2. The section is the same as the normal door seal strip. In fact I repalced my door seal with new and used some sections cut from the old one to act as the secondary seal. This seal extends from the window frame down to the bottom corner of the door.

Sorry attachment did not appear to work this time lucky.

Third time lucky???

That is interesting. The short length of door weaterstrip is pushed onto the flange that goes around the door. I seem to rember that flange as being tapered. How well does it fit?

Apparently there are more than one way Lotus or previous owners sealed the door.

It would be interesting to get some photos of other +2’s to compare.


The seal fits on the flange fairly easily, a bit difficult where the flange meets the window frame but I managed to get mine on. One of the cars i looked at was Gordon Lund’s +2 (Rubarb?) Gordon is a regular contributor to this forum. He may be able to provide phots of his seal arrangement.

I am attaching a photo of my +2 with the doors removed. A close examination directly below the left windshield (windsscreen) pillar you will see a small, rust strip of metal that a rubber seal was glued to.

Does anyone have aa similaar seal on their +2?


Have you checked out this thread?

Yes. That thread explains it. Now all I need to find is the proper rubber to attach to my metal strips.

I do not think my car had a right angle profile as mentioned in that thread.

I will look for the old piece aand try to source a replacement.


Thats a nifty device for lifting the body Bob, I like it!! I’m going to hire a couple of “genie lifts” to put my body back on, still nursing a ruptured spine and a lack of mates since we lifted it off!!



I used Vermette lifts. I do not know if they are available in the UK. You can jack up the body one “click” at a time. Alternating from side to side. They were borrowed from a friend in the home heaating / air conditioning business. They are most helpful when returrning the body to the chasssiss. You have complete control.

The picture shows placing the body on the rolling Spyder chasssis protecctedd with plastic sheeting. I then wet sanded the paint off the body. Of course the plastic kept the drivetrain and chassis dry and clean.


Bob, many thanks for help re. this subject, I’ve ordered up the final bits I need to build up the doors.

It’s just this secondaty seal I don’t understand now. On your pics where this seal goes and people have fitted a smal run I have a dedicated lip right around the door to take a full seal, it looks like it will go all around the underneath of the doorcard…is this the secondary seal?


I believe my car is either wrong or it was done differently when manufactured. The seal that is glued to the face of the door is not as illustrated in this thread and nor in the workshop manual. The secondary seal is approx. 22" and fits on the door flange in a similar fashion as the door opening weatherstrip is attached. This seccondary seal is similar or identical to the door opening seal and runs from the intersection of the window frame and door flange at the front of the door to just around the curve at the bottom of the door.

There is a third rubber strip that is in the door opening under the windscreen pillar. This short piece is right angle rubber where one “leg” is riveted to the door opening. The metal “securing” strip is on the outside with the rubber under it. The pop rivets go through the metal then the rubber and into the fiberglass.

I hope I have explained it clearly.

The link, posted in this thread, to a previous thread was most helpful and all the details fit together.


Hi Guys’

Yes I do have a secondary door seal on my +2 which works to good effect. It is only convenventional door seal but the trick is to only take it half way down the door and to taper it off at the top to effectively mate up with the body door seal. Next time I have my camera handy I’ll take a photo. I will be at Tatton park on Sunday 3.6.07 with the Club Lotus people with Rhubarb.

For those of you interested I have posted some pics of our trip to France returning last week, in the Elan Gallery under Rhubarb. 2,423 virtually trouble free miles despite the indifferant weather. These cars are made for using!!!

Gordon Lund