A couple of years ago I spotted at Donnington a dealer selling new, original style seatbelts. They were the aircraft style release type, obviously re-manufactured with the Lotus sticker on the latch.
Does anyone know who may have been selling them or where I an get a set from?
Sue Miller is the most likely person you saw with them.
Thanks Karl,
Does she attend the Castle Coombe track day?
Sorry I would not know, I’ve only seen her at Stoneleigh. Incidentally, when I spoke to her about the belts, she said that she likes the metalwork from the old ones back. I don’t think it’s a show stopper if you haven’t got them though.
I have the stalk type fittings at the moment, so I doubt they’d be of any use to her. Or is it the inertia reel bits she wants?
I’m using the Elan as reference and it’s the metal work (chromed parts) from the fixed type of belts. Give her a ring for clarity as your fitting sound different to mine.
if you can get hold of some old ones (so you have the hardware) you can get them rebuilt, including new recoil units, by quickfit
Ive got a brand new set in my garage…
I dont need them and they will probably never get fitted to my car…
if youre interested drop me a PM