Seat Clips

I’m in the process of restoring my seats and have discovered a missing part… Thanks to the pictures at the Unibrain site I realize that I only have one of the original round clips that attaches the bottom seat cover to the lower rails. The DPO had recovered the seats once before and must have thrown away the original clips. I was lucky enough to have one still clipped to one of the seats. Are these available?

I remember the seat-backs being round as well ( different size ) . MG use the same clips and i went to the local junk ( breakers) yard and scavenger a bunch for next to nothing

I was able to obtain these clips from an Auto upholstery shop, one that is familiar with restoring older cars.

I used Palo Alto Upholstery, here in Palo Alto CA.


Thanks for the tip. I’ll check with Palo Alto Upholstery.