Seat belt warning light on Sprint

Does anyone have a wiring diagram for a '72 Sprint with the seat belt warning light and buzzer? The light is situated between the radio and glovebox. I’ve had mine apart for quite a few years and now wish to put the socket back in it.

Does the green wire go to the center spade or the outside spade?

Greg Z
'72 Sprint


I am not aware of the Sprint ever having had a seat belt warning light and buzzer fitted as standard. I do not have my WSM or parts list to hand to check, but I suspect that you have either a dealer fitted option or a PO fitment.

In fact, thinking about it, different seat belts would have had to be fitted, so that an electrical connection was made when the belt buckle was pushed home into the ‘female’ end. Again, I am not aware of those type of belts ever having been an original fitment. And if my memory serves me right, that sort of belt and warning system wasn’t around until the late '70s.


Tim, what leads me to believe this is factory are the wires coming from the female stalk of the seatbelts.

Perhaps this is a Federal only thing? Or U.S. Distributor installation? I can’t imagine a previous owner wanting this feature. The wires coming from the stalk have been cut so I can’t really follow them.

Greg Z


My '74 Europa Special came from the factory with seatbelt stalks, a rectangular “FASTEN SEATBELTS” light, and a warning buzzer. Because the buzzer is so annoying and because I don’t need a reminder to wear my seatbelts, I disconnected it long ago. Not sure if we have the same system because my warning light has two wires going to it. Purple (hot all the time) and Yellow/Brown (to ground). The buzzer on the other hand is located remotely and has 12 wires going to it via a large round connector.

Frank, our systems sound similar, however my wires (to the light) are green and black with a red stripe. I haven’t checked voltage yet at the wires, as I’m currently out of town but my guess would be the hot wire would go to the bulb contact point and not the body of the bulb. I’m also guessing it’ll be the green wire.

This sounds like a system built for Federal cars and I was hoping a wiring diagram exist for this setup. The bulb and buzzer are near impossible to see with a fully assembled dash.

Greg Z


First of all, it doesn’t matter which way the electricity passes through the bulb however if you run hot through the bulb holder and it is exposed, any inadvertant contact between the bulb holder and ground would cause a direct short possibly leading to a fire. And as far as the two wires are concerned, I would guess that the green is hot and the B/R is the path to ground, probably through one of the 12 wires that goes to the buzzer box.

Just to add to this topic in case anyone (like me…) searches for this in the future…

The best (only?) wiring diagram which seems to show this system is the Federal Plus 2S/130 diagram thus:

The only difference that I can see is that on the +2 the wiring goes through the hand brake switch.

The “Fasten Belts” light was also used on every other British import to the States in the 1971-1974 period (MGB MG Midget, TR6, Spitfire etc) & are readily available from breakers (i have a couple spare as well…)

& yes the Federal Sprint has totally different seat belts to the rest of the world. They are Kangol Inertia belts, with the inertia reel mounted to a heavy bracket (covered in the Buckland Bible) & the receiver being a stalk with a Normally Closed (NC) micro-switch.

Thanks Phil. Another ‘addendum’ to my workshop manual.

Wow, revived this topic (missed it first time around) brings back a funny random memory from the Seventies. I guess we had the same Federal system in Canada for a period of time.

The Vancouver BC dealer, a friend of mine, had a really nice blue and white Sprint come back for warranty work after very few miles because the the seat belt warning system never worked from the factory. Mike was shaking is head as he saw this as a positive benefit! :slight_smile: Not sure if he ever fixed it or convinced the owner…



What goes around… etc? What a great resource this place is. Once in a while. :wink:
:smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: