Seat belt upper mounts.

I?m in the process of fitting a new chassis to my S4. And today I lowered the body back onto the assembled chassis, only slight problem is that the seat belt upper mounts, threaded holes are about an inch further inboard than previously, I had also fitted new mounting brackets that I hade bought from eBay.
Simple solution appears to be fibreglass the existing holes, and drill new ones the inch further in.
Just on the measure twice cut once principle, I thought it best to ask if I?ve overlooked something, before creating new holes.



If you install an Inch further in how will this affect the angle the seat belt operates from? will it start to wear the seat?

No I don?t think that it will make that much difference, they are static seat belts and should pivot enough on the mounting bolts to pass through the back board holes without any problems. I was just a bit concerned that there may be another problem, such as different brackets for each series of car?


Hi Mark, All,

          Are those the seatbelt top mount brackets you have bought from Epay? and fitted to your chassis? Have you used the same chassis? If so those mounts are the fault.  Change them. Try a set from Susaan Millar.

         Hope this is the case 'caus its the easy sort out option. Accurate spares are the answer. Don't modify to fit if you can avoid it.

Alex B… :sunglasses:

Hi Alex
The chassis is a new galvanised one, it?s been suggested that Lotus made shorter brackets towards the end of Elan production to accommodate inertia real seat belts, and that it?s a pair of these that I have fitted.
I?m sure that I could get away with using these brackets, but I have decided to change them anyway, rather than start moving holes in the body.

Thanks to all

Hi all
Picked up the new brackets last weekend and have just fitted them, Paul Matty?s had both large and small brackets and agreed that the small are for inertia reel seat belts.
