Sure I’ve seen a reference on here somewhere for the sticky kit for the bond in screen on +2 but can’t seem to find it. Think someone mentioned evilbay but not sure. No doubt the Lotus people will keep it, just thought there might be a less expensive option for the same gear? If no other suppliers, will order it with the daft trim stuff from Mattys or the like. Cheers, Rob
On ebay search Dinitrol 500. Double pack for about ?25.
Make sure you have the correct screen for the bonded trim, which is about 7mm thick. I had an old screen from a Reliant scimitar that is fine for a rubber type installation but is too thick for the plastic trim. I purchased a new laminated Sundym top tint screen from Sue Miller at a very good price. The job is Very tricky and messy. Make sure it is a really hot day and have loads of duct tape to hold the trim in place. I got crinkles!!
Cheers Mick, lovely job these things. Guy from SJ Sportscars (Lotus) has just been up to pick up a rally car one of his customers bought from me and he was pulling funny faces when he looked at the screen sat on the table. Says it’s nearly impossible not to wrinkle the top corners. Not that bothered really, just want to get the thing in and see if we can get it sold. Too many projects, need some dosh to finish the +2 hillcimb car we are are building.
Thanks for the info, will get it ordered. Rob