Scrap brake master cylinders???

Hi all, I am wondering if anyone has any scrap master cylinders out there. I am looking for the small round white plastic part that the sping butts up against that also sits against the ned seal and very small spring washer. Mine is cracked with a bit broken off it but the rest of the parts are good so don’t want to have to spend a few quid on a new cylinder! Any one got one??
Many thanks,
Al Cowan

Hello Al

Where are you? if your in the UK I should be able to find the parts you want.


Hi Steve, I am in sunny Scotland,
Al Cowan

Hi Al,

Found one in a box if you are still looking, from a 69 +2.


Hi, that would be grand, what do you want for it?
Al Cowan

Hello Al

what size is master cylinder? might be able to find some new parts
but not going to get the chance to look until monday


Hi Steve, will let you know later on as I am going to my garage then, it is still in pieces.


Sorry I didnt get back to you, been away this weekend. If you only need the small nylon cup then pm me with an address and I will pop it into an envelope and post it. It is used by the way but not damaged.


Hi Al

are you sorted yet? if not send a PM and I’ll send some bits
