Dear All
I can’t stand by and allow this to happen , yes,if it was only a tenner, people would learn a lesson , but at this price, it makes my blood boil , two wires…probably a resistor under the PCB, please share and save this scum ripping off others… … 7675.l2562
And the follow-up complicated 4wire video…
Watch from 25:00… summary: it does nothing!
Yeahbut - it might cost more in the UK but we get more horsepower Ours goes up to eleven
The video was great - the wires were not even connected to anything other than the led.
All so reminiscent of the sort of snake oil junk that was around when I was taking engines to bits in my teens. Used to be ‘mystery’ chemistry that delivered the horses back then, now it’s mystery electronics. Same scam, different name. Trouble is I actually bought some of the stuff back then and I have no doubt enough people will buy this to make it worth their while.
Next version will probably be ransomware that’ll encrypt your ecu until you pay.
The “Fuel Saver” should have been the first (and best) clue.
I remember here in NZ many years ago we had the “Petromiser” which dampened down the “fluctuations” in your fuel pump and saved you gas.
I remember it well as an article on the promoter showed him, and his new car.
An Elan Sprint…
So I guess something good came of it.
Snake oil indeed, a fool and his money… Remember all who have a Lotus should buy a smile meter, every time i drive mine it goes off the scale