Safety Belts on S3

I know I saw something on the Forum about the “unsafe safety belts” on Elans. The problem is that the lap belt rides too high. I’m looking at installing a 6-point harness to keep the lap belt lower. I can’t seem to find what the belts anchor to and will the 6-point harness lap belt use the existing anchorages? The shoulder belt anchorage currently in the car is hidden and I can’t see where it gets its support. Is there anything relatively solid behind the seats to which I can attach anchorages? :confused:

Can only be the chassis!?

The shoulder part of the safety belt bolts to the top of the rear suspension tower.

Thanks for that. I guess what is in my car is the standard fitment as the shoulder strap seems to be anchored in the upper corner of the cabin - where it would connect to the suspension tower. I still don’t know what/how I can fit to include crutch straps to keep the lap belt down across the hips. As it is, it goes across my stomach and I’m not comfortable with the idea that I might be cut in half in an accident (or at least wind up with a badly broken back!!!)! Equally, as there are belts in the car, I don’t want to get points on my licence for not wearing them!! Any ideas? :question: