Well, my car is back from the paint shop finally. I looked inside and saw all these wires wriggling around and thought oh dear, how am I going to make this right?
I had never had an electrical problem before, but was hesitant about trying to patch things back together, especially with 40 year old wiring harnesses, wires, connectors, etc.
So I naively figured I would rewire it. Went down to Kinkos and had the wiring diagram in the workshop manual blown up. At least I could see things.
But I got tired tracing wires, and getting crossed up! There must be a better way, says I in a burst of enthusiasm.
How to recast it? Being both a geek and a gearhead, I thought of a computer solution. Well, I thought about Access, but that doesn’t seem to be a good choice.
A Word document could be good, since it is all text.
But I finally decided on Excel. Easy formatting, and the data can be exported in a form with which a circuit design program might be able to start.
So I am going to try to attach the spreadsheet to this post. It is a simple spreadsheet that is all text, no formulas or macros. Landscape orientation, two pages wide. The left page has each part, the Lotus P/N, source and destination parts, wire colors, etc. The right page is for comments. Print it out, tape it together and post it in the shop for reference.
Feel free to download it.
I would hope that other users would modify this to different Lotus models.
I have already been contacted to see if I would serve as a central repository for all the versions, and I have so volunteered. Please send me updates, corrections, new models, modifications, etc. I will try to figure out how to keep everything organized, updated, etc.
Have fun.
1968 36/7988
20061013 Wiring Diagram.xls (53 KB)