I check the archives and found some talk about VW having vinyl for the seats. Just thought I would check in to see if there was any new info about seats being covered. My 72 DHC is ready to get its seats reupholstered.
I have been to a couple of upholstery places and each said that they could come pretty close to the basket weave on the seats but as for the heat formed lines they would have to use a stitch. Good thing the console was mentioned. I did not even thing of it. So why not get the stitch in the seats and on the console? What do you think? My guess is that the VW vinyl either does not have the heated lines or if they do, the lines do not stop like they do on the Elan seats. I mean the part under the legs. The lines are only under the butt.
Susan Miller (Mick Miller Classic Lotus) 01728 603307 can supply the correct material with the welded seams.
She supplied the material for my S4.
The only compromise is that on the seat back rest where the material goes from the ribbed welded seams to the un-ribbed towards the top you do have to have one stitched seam (joining the ribbed to the un-ribbed section)
Apparently the seat back was originally one piece of vinyl
Thanks John. I will give Susan a call. Seems like I can’t find anyone here in the states.
Thanks again John. I order the vinyl from Susan.
I received the fabric and had it installed by a local guy. The seats are back in the car and they look great!
Thanks again for the help on hunting down a supplier.
I know I’m wading in on this too late, but there is a guy in Atlanta that makes the vinyl interior pieces with the welded seams. Not 100% sure if he does the seat covers, but definitely does the arm rests (S1/2) and the centre console. I can pass on the contact info to anyone interested.
Glad to help
I know it has been years since this post but do you know if this guy is still making interior pieces? Any help would be greatly appreciated…I know it’s a long shot.