I have looked in archive and found The Elan Factory info sheet "lotus paint codes " .It shows Gold Lacquer pj6170A3130 & A036B6345V.These nos do not relate to anything my local paint supplier has .I`m in the UK any ideas ???
The Robinson & Ross Book (which I don’t have to hand !) mention all the paint codes used & (If memory serves me correctly) the ICI code equivalents. I think the original manufacturer of the paint was something like Pincher & Johnson (hence PJ) ??
Also browse this site (not the forum area) - I know many moons ago there was all this information to hand !
Pinchin Johnson 6170A3130
The excellent Brian Buckland book quotes: Nexa autocolour reference
Gold (bumper) 3460m or d512b. The first number relates to ‘early single layer metallic finishes’ and the 2nd to ‘later & much more usual laquered finish’.
After having no luck with any paint nos obtained from the forum ,I phoned Morland Jones they immediately said "Ford Amber Gold " my paint supplier CPC in Hayes UB31ET recognised the name as "Ford [Europe] 078 Amber Gold Metallic and have supplied me with 0.10ltr in an aerosol