S4 (Federal) Headlamp Vacuum Switch Fix

Hello All,

Anybody have the little piece that attaches to the metal blade (picture) to depress the microswitch buttons? Ray at RD Ent says he thinks a “V” shaped plastic piece that slides down over the blade. I’ve seen a metal wire wrapped around the blade in other pictures on the list. Happy to buy it, PM me for address. If not, anybody have a good fix idea for this one?

70 S4 45/0030K

Rick, here’s a picture that I captured in the past of the wedge that you are talking about:

If we had dimensions I’m sure we could print some in Nylon

Anyone have on of the wedges that we could get measurements from?.

The dimensions aren’t that critical and can be deduced from what you have in your hand. You need the vertical space available, the distance the switches have to move to engage and the dimensions of the tab that the wedge mounts on.

I made a replacement wedge from a scrap of 3/16" aluminum plate and slotted it from the rear to fit onto the tab. I then drilled and tapped it from the rear, into the slot, for a small set screw to hold it in place. Works great.

EDIT: Never trust your memory after a certain age (you’ll know sometime after you get there :blush: ) It could be made as above, but it looks like I drilled (3 small holes) and filed the hole for the slot, not cut it from the back. The dimensions are 3/8" high, 3/8" long and 3/16" thick. You’ll have to measure the tab for the slot hole size and length. I had also forgotten that I filled the top of the slot with epoxy after mounting it with the set screw. Make sure that your wedge stops short or even with the mounting face of the switch or it will hit the dash.

Wow, perfect (other than someone having an original piece). Thanks Phil and Bud. I have a friend that loves making little stuff like that, hopefully he’ll take it on.

I recommend taking it all the way apart and sanding the inside surface to mirror smooth, put some red rubber grease between the rubber section and the sidewall, it will make your headlights stay down much longer. Here is a post viewtopic.php?f=38&t=22625 showing all the parts. There is another one that goes into great detail about how to do it, but I can’t find it. Dan

Wow, with all the pictures, ideas, I took my vacuum switch to my friend who loves fixing these kind of things today, and, wouldn’t you know it, now my vacuum switch and the two microswitches are working just like they are supposed to. He used a piece of 1/4" aluminum plate cut and ground it to shape, then sawed a slot in the back to slide over the moving blade. So I think I’ll change my plan to put in an electric solenoid actuated vacuum switch and try to put the headlight controls back to close to original.
Again, great help from the list!
70 S4 Federal (45/0030K)