
I need a new electric window motor for my S4 (drivers door) can anyone point me in the direction of one or advise if they were fitted to any other car.

Thankyou in advance.


Hi Matt,

windscreen wiper motor - Cortina Mk1 /2 - plus the Lotus only two pin drive.

Good luck


I’m pretty sure the Escort Mk. 1 wiper motor is identical and Escort Mk. II is easily adapted (different mounting bolt threads is the only practical difference).

Whereabouts are you? I may have a spare, if you’re close enough to collect it.


The factory motor is so wide, it actually mounts proud of the door. I’ve considered replacing it with a slim modern (and lighter) one used in pop up headlights and windows. Of course, the problem is converting the drive to the Lotus 2-pin system. I also worry that the modern motor could have more torque which could result in window mechanism problems if one doesn’t release the switch soon enough. As the cars get older, I predict that this will become a popular conversion. You could be a pioneer Matt!

The Ford part number is C7BH/17B571/A…might help if you’re trying to locate one.


If you have a broken one, there are numerous places that can rebuild it.

Susan Miller sells 'em.

Thankyou for the prompt replies.I am situated near Wakefield in west yorkshire and would be happy to buy a used one if poss



I’m down near Stroud in Gloucestershire these days, unfortunately, so I’m a bit far from you, Matt!

I was from Leeds originally, though, and still have family up there, but I don’t know when I’ll next be going back up. If Aaron Auto Electrical in Armley, Leeds, are still in business, they might be worth a try for rebuilding your existing motor.

Does Susan Miller sell new motors, now, Hatman? Last time I tried her, she sold the drive dogs/brackets, but only got the occasional second-hand motor through.

All I can tell you is that mine packed in a couple of years ago so I phoned Susan who sent me one by return. Works noticeably quicker than the previous one too which, I think you’ll agree, is no bad thing. :smiley:

Was it NOS, though, or second hand?

Didn’t think about that at the time but, on reflection, I’m fairly sure that it must have been a re-furbed secondhand one.