Can any one tell me how many non air flow S3 FHC were made and how many are still in circulation? Steve
I dont want to sound negitive but I would be supprised if even Lotus could answer your first question and as for the second only God could answer that
Follow this link to the S3 page but I think this is as close as you will get … w_cars.php
… Mine is not registred …
Add one !
Brian, I could not have said it better.
ps; Who “ARE” these people?
64 S1,
If you mean who owns the registry, it was set up by Jim Boone a couple of years ago, see this thread:
I just looked at Jim Boone’s registry again and had a question on why my 67 pre-airflow coupe year had numbers of 36/5785, while pre-airflow coupes in 1966 have production numbers higher than mine?
I had checked with a great guy (I lost is name and llnk) in the UK that gave me the info on my coupe. His info confirmed all of the body, parts and color matched my elan, he also said my car came off the line in July of 1966. How did it end up with a 67 model year? It was sent to a USA dealer in St. Louis. Who determines the year?
I dont know about the U.S.A. but I believe the year is determined by the first registration (even though it could be a different model year) …so if anyone has a new unregistered Elan kit stored in their garage, you could have a brand new 2006 Elan …but wait until 2007 to register it
Aye! What an IDEA! In the USA one could register a new kit Elan, I think 2006 for model 26 has a nice ring to it…too bad it’s mid November. And it wouldn’t even have to be an actual old factory kit… miscellaneous pieces are permitted here!
Hello Sarto, your 67 may be a 66, but it’s the same as today, some 2007 models have been out for months, and imports have shipping time added. Also, the titling system in the USA is not uniform, different states have different laws. Eric
Eric, you are right! Others have told me the same. So I have a 1966 pre-airflow S3 coupe. That would get me back into the correct numbering. Since it was built in 66, that is the correct year.
I now remember way back in 1967 I bought a triumph spitfire and the dealer just changed the 66 year and said that the car was the same for both years and he was going to register it as a 67. Still green behind the ears, I thought Great! I got a newer car. Now one year doesn’t mean that much, it’s the car and how well it has been kept or restored.
I have 6138, as far as I can tell, it is among the last of the pre airflows. Somewhere around 6200, the airflow Coupes begin.