S3 elan boot back board

Has any one still got a car with its original boot backboard? This is the board that covers the rear lights and boot lock bracket on a S3 elan. Was this left blank! Or did the original have holes cut out for access to the light bulbs as on the S4!

I have a pre airflow coupe S3. She has a backboard. It’s an aluminium plate without any acces hole. Now, is it original? I do not know. If you want pictures let me know.

Mine is original and doesn’t have the cutouts for the taillights. It fastens to the taillight brackets with screws and finishing washers.

Brian, I have a S3 pre-airflow 66 coupe and I rebuilt the back plate using 1/8 plywood from a paper template that I may still have. Greg is right about how it attaches. It protects the tail lights and the body from tools and stuff banging around. I covered mine with glued on carpet leaving access to the screws that hold it on. You have to unscrew it to change light bulbs. An easy job. Here is a picture of my boot that I carpeted all sides, showing a Miata 12 volt small battery, a little tool bag, knockoff tool and torque wrench. Where are you located?
Olivier, the original backplate was a fiber type board like what lotus used to cover the metal bracing along the lower body, under the doors. Or that is what came with mine, in pieces that could not be duplicated.
Brian PM me if interested in the template, I’ll see if I can locate it.


I have an S4 & the back board is the same as Greg’s, no cutouts for the lights. I am the original owner.

So all agreed no holes. Thanks for the info


Hi Sarto,
very tidy boot!
Did you use the existing battery clamps to use the tiedown in your picture-I think thats quite a good idea-much more secure.

Hi Nigel, Thanks!
I used an off the shelf battery bracket that expands and used the original threaded hold downs. i turned the bracket sideways and extended it to fit across the top of the smaller battery. i carpeted the fender wall behind the battery for protection but the hold down bracket did keep the battery from bumping up against the fiberglass on quick turns. A little tight but works even with the battery quick disconnect.
The only replacement battery that I could find was the tractor mowers type until I found that Miata had a 12 volt small battery that fit the lotus with standard connectors. I stuck the lotus emblem on the battery for fun, it is not a lotus battery.