Wiring is not my strong point (I am kind of dim on the subject?).
My 1967 Elan S3 has toggle switches, the problem is that when I started the restoration project I did not record some important and valuable info, like in what position are the switches when ?ON? or ?OFF?. Is the switch ?ON? in the up position or ?ON? in the down position (perpendicular to he dash) or is all of this upside down?
The switches in question are:
?Panel Light? and ?Interior Light? these two switches are two position switches, ?ON? or ?OFF? but which way?
?Heater Fan?, switch is a three-position switch ?ON? ? ?OFF? ? ?ON? I think its for a high and low speed for the fan but which way?
The two ?Power Window? switches, how do you know which way is up or
Down (i.e., is there a way to look at the switch and tell which terminals reverse the polarity)?
The last switch is the main Light Switch this is also a three-position switch but which way is ?ON? or ?OFF??
It would be nice to get these right (the way it came from the factory ) as I reassemble things, rather than by the trial and error method after assembly!
steve, not sure mine are correct, but I think all of them are down for off, and then progressively up for more “on”. So , main lights are off when down, then parking lights, then main beams all the way up. Fan, is same way. Hope that helps.
All the switches on my plus 2 are down for on, which conects the middle set of contacts to the top set of contacts.
The fan switch is off-on-on
The windows switches I believe can be put in either way up, as the power is fed to the centre contacts and then the window motor is on the top and bottom contacts, although stand to be corrected on that one.
I am quite sure the switches should be up for off and down for on, its like that on an S2 anyway and most cars of the period are the same.
The manual shows S1/2/3 switches in the up position (which is off in S2 cars) so I dont see why an S3 should be any different.
I agree with up for off, looks more unique that way as well. The Brits drive on the opposite side of the road and have their switches off in the opposite direction as us US folks. It is in a way a safety feature as well. If your knee comes up against the toggle, it just folds against the dash instead of impaling you.