My inside mirror on my S3 Coupe constantly sags and needs readjustment every couple of miles. I see
nothing wrong when I took it apart and the screw that holds the two halves together is bottomed out. I’m
not sure if the wear is in the socket or the ball on the mirror but I’m thinking of using a small amount of
tin foil as a ‘shim’ in the socket to take up some slack. Any thoughts on this? Anyone deal with this
Why not just shorten the screw a wee bit?
Mine had the same problem. I wrapped two layers of aluminium foil around the ball and it’s fine now.
this clamping bit is cast, if it has bent it would not clamp anymore : one fix is to add a thin bit of something around the ball to restore some clamping force (a small piece of fine sanding paper 600-1000 has the added advantage of increasing friction coefficient) and be cautious not to overbend it the more it bends the more likely it will brake ; an other is to make a new clamping bit out of stronger alloy (quite a bite of filing though, if done manually).
All good suggestions. I put in two layers of tin foil and that seems to be doing it. Thanks!